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This document provides the requirements needed to complete your lab for this week.You MUST upload 2 files for your assignment:A PDF (preferred)/DOCX of your report including test tables, screenshots,...

1 answer below »

Using the materials in GitLab, Firebase and the
vulnerability report. Please add security features where necessary and write in
a report of what changes were made.

Please use my login for writing the report (It is the same
as the Firebase login).

For the report add to the following link:

To connect to the Firebase and GitLab you will need to
connect to the VPN first. Please be very thorough, it needs like I need to have
worked on this for weeks.

Use the following link to access Gitlab. You will have to
first be connected to the VPN

GitLab Login (Alumni Money)



Use the following link to connect to the firebase

Firebase Login



Use the following link to download the vpn client

OpenVPN Connect Login



Answered 1 days After Nov 03, 2024


Bhaumik answered on Nov 04 2024
3 Votes
Lab [X] report
Executive Summary
A Python command-line program that lets users interact with a dataset of U.S. states and shows pertinent data including state capitals, demographics, and state flowers was created for this project. The project needed to make sure the application followed Python's PEP 8 style rules and had a menu-driven, well-organized interface. An outline of each phase is provided below:
1. Application Development
Objective: Create a Python application where users can:
1) Display all U.S. states in alphabetical order with their capital, population, and state flower.
2) Search for a specific state to display its details.
3) Display a bar graph of the top 5 most populated states.
4) Update the population for any specific state.
5) Exit the application.
Data Structure: A list of dictionaries was chosen to store the state data, making it easy to sort, search, and update. Each dictionary contains keys for the state name, capital, population, and flower.
Menu and User Interface: The main menu presented a straightforward interface, allowing users to navigate the options using a numeric input. The application continued to prompt users until they chose to exit.
2. Implementation of Functionalities
1) Display All States: Displayed all states in alphabetical order, pulling and printing each...

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